About Us

Success is when you make something complicated into something simple

Our History

We have been live since 2013 and have loved serving the locum community completely free of charge. In 2019 we wanted to offer more services and have therefore introduced a low fee.

In 2019 our new locum ready feature was introduced, where we used smart match technology, allowing matching of surgery requirements with locum availability.

We will continue to innovate and help add tools in order to facilitate every aspect of your working day.

Our Team

We are a team of GPs that have worked for many years in the GP industry and wanted to create a solution that would allow GP locum bookings to happen easily and seamlessly.

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Suspendisse viverra pharetra auctor. Nulla id auctor est. Proin interdum quis arcu ullamcorper pellentesque. Nulla dignissim quis lacus non viverra. Cras non justo ex. "

Dr Imran Najmi, CEO E24

Our Vision

Our vision is to inject transparency and efficiency into a database driven website that allows bookings in a click of a button.

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